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CH. Cheshire's Poetry In Motion

Dylan finished his championship with four majors!

Dylan won a 3pt. Major out of the 6-9 month puppy class! Dylan finished his Championship with two more three pt. Majors and one five pt. Major!
Owned by: D. Walsh & Shalein Bonney
Bred by: E. Van Dyken, C. Moses
DOB: 2/7/2003
AKC Reg Num: WS03333201
Health Certs: OFA Thyroid Normal
Sire: BISS Am/Can CH Cheshire's Tailor Made V. Longo
Dam: CH. Valinor's MVP Dream Girl
Dylan (Left) & Electra (right)

Can you believe we are niece and uncle?
Dylan at 10 weeks

Dylan at 10 weeks

Ready to show mom!
winning his fourth major!

Five point major and Best Opposite over Specials!
Dylan at five years!

Enjoying the East Coast and retirement!
BISS CH Longo's Celebri 'T' Of Penedane
WP375370/02 7/23/1991
OFA hips Good
Award of Merit (AOM) & Top Twenty Contender 1994
CH Longo's More Than A Chance
WP580231/05 8/14/1994
Penn. Hip 80%
Multiple breed and group winner
BIS/BISS CH Longo's Sweetalk V Michaeldane
WP309304/01 3/29/1990
#1 Dane 1993, Award of Merit, & Top Twenty Winner
BISS Am/Can CH Cheshire's Tailor Made V. Longo
WP823951/01 12/2/1997
OFA good, Thyroid, Cerf, & Cardiac Normal
Top Twenty contender;
CH Belyza's Apollon
WG316102 5/23/1987
OFA hips Good
CH RRB's Winning Colors
WP538702/06 2/8/1994
Feb.-8-1994 -- Sept. 9-11-2005
Top Brood Bitch 1999
Reann's One Moment In Time
WP360514/06 7/4/1991
OFA : Hips Good
CH. Cheshire's Poetry In Motion
WS033332012/7/2003OFA Thyroid Normal
Dylan finished his championship with four majors!
BISS CH. Rika's Wildwind Black Ice
WP56760401 6/24/1994
OFA Hips Good
CH Valinor's Forest Wind

OFA Hips Good; Thyriod Normal

CH. Valinor's MVP Dream Girl
WP89538601 1/19/1999
CH. Verlin Caprata’s Troubadour, CD
WP45339103 10/18/1992
CH Warwick's Valinor Flair. ROM
Wp706344/07 5/29/1996
OFA Excellent
BISS CH. Warwick’s Workin Without A Net
WP50732303 6/24/1993
OFA Excellent
Top Twenty Contender

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Copyright Cheshire Danes, Shalein Bonney, DVM and Michael Shields. All Rights Reserved.