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CH. Lore Cheshire's Sweet Ride O'Belldane

Owned by: Jean Belll
Bred by: Jean Bell & Lorraine Matherly
DOB: 2/5/2012
AKC Reg Num:
Health Certs: OFA Hips Excellent, Elbows, Cardiac and Thyroid Normal
Sire: Multiple BISS GCH. Valinor-Cheshire's For The Ride, AOM
Dam: CH. Parthenon-Lore's Got Moxi O'Belldane
Littermates: Dani
5 months!

I don't want to stack!
8 months!

Fourth at GDCA Nationals 2012!
In The Ring!

2012 GDCA Nationals!
2.5 years!

winner's dog!

Jean and Brittany Williams
CH. Etar's Consider it done O'Kyan
WR000322/03 8/23/2000
Hips Good
CH. Valinor's Pink Floyd
Thyroid, cardiac normal; hips good: Chic #43946
Am/Int'l CH. Valinor's The Divine Miss M
WR018721/04 4/1/2001
Cardiac-ECHO & thyroid normal; hips good: Chic #17335
Multiple BISS GCH. Valinor-Cheshire's For The Ride, AOM
WS20213713 11/19/2006
OFA hips and elbows good; OFA Echo, Thyroid and CERF normal. Chic # 55460
Tonka is a double black gene producer!
CH Longo's The Last Tycoon
WP908296/03 2/17/1999
OFA hips Good; thyroid & CERF Normal
CH Valinor's I'll Take You There
WS03345401 2/12/2003
CER, cardiac, thyroid normal: hips good; Chic#26935
CH Valinor's Tumbling Dice
CH. Lore Cheshire's Sweet Ride O'Belldane
2/5/2012OFA Hips Excellent, Elbows, Cardiac and Thyroid Normal
CH. Parthenon-Lore's Got Moxi O'Belldane

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Copyright Cheshire Danes, Shalein Bonney, DVM and Michael Shields. All Rights Reserved.